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Why Listen to Mothers?

Why Listen?

We use listening sessions to Listen to our Mothers to identify the local, state, or national issues important in each community, to inform people about important issues, to build support for a cause, and to discuss potential solutions to problems facing their communities. 

However, focus groups are a useful tool for obtaining specific information or feedback, such as to gain clarity or further explore a topic discussed during a listening session. 

A few points to guide you in determining between the two:
Listening Sessions Focus Groups
Purpose To identify, inform, & build support around local climate issues, as well as get feedback on possible community solutions. Tool for obtaining specific information or feedback around a specific issue, messaging, branding, (further explore an issue identified in Listening Session)
Phases of  your Campaigns Ground truthing

Building Relationships


Rest (Break after Action)

Ground truthing

Building Relationships


Rest (Break after Action)

Outcomes ISSUE ID

Discuss Process of Change

Highlight & Inform on Issue

ISSUE ID Analysis

Breakdown into stages of change

Messaging & Language Deeper Dive

Why Listen to the Mothers??

As a Women-Led Climate Movement, why not?

Our narratives are focused on centering OUR voice to DEMAND justice for our families lives & communities. We know all too well that pollution and climate change are rooted in racism, patriarchy, colonialism and extractive economy. 

So we are making SPACE to be active listeners for OUR MEMBERS to be HEARD, we are supporting our team through a transformative approach of drafting our strategy based on what we hear, ensuring that we are centering folks most impacted by climate in this prioritization.

How Do We Listen Like a Mom??

  • Make Space
    • Active Listening | Pause | Ask Clarifying Questions | Check For Understanding
    • Communicate Process Unapologetically
    • Make physical/virtual space | Make space for Emotions | Anger, Upset
  • Ask “What’s Wrong”
    • Be intentional | We will require a survey response identifying your priority climate issue, as a meal ticket or when they rsvp online.
  • Be willing to learn something new 
    • As moms, organizers, leaders, and as a person who lives, plays, or works in the geographical area, we don’t know everything and this is an opportunity to learn something new, and honor the lived experience of the moms in the room.
    • Every listening session will be different, that’s ok!
    • Each community and segment group prioritizes their Climate issues differently. Try try again, Transformation only occurs with Consistency.
  • Center Women, Mothers, Caregivers and Children Unapologetically
    • Our movement includes auntie mamas, fathers, grandpas, others who contribute to using the caregiver voice (male relatives etc…)
  • Network & Delegate for possible solutions (optional)
    • Teams with existing relationships with partner climate issue orgs, may be able to provide more escalation opportunities, resources to communities overall by planning/organizing with partner orgs.
    • Option A: As integrated as a panel discussion after the discussion segment around the top issues identified,
    • Option B: As light as having various Climate or community orgs to table.

Vision Note: For staff &/or members who sit on coalitions, cohorts with partners, or allied organizations. Incorporating these organizations’ climate issue campaigns in Listening sessions planning, recruitment  (now or annually in the future) can help ensure our mom narrative, and community needs are actively included in this coalition planning process. This is where the transformative work is!