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Clean Air Pueblo

Community owned, led, & run air quality monitoring portal.

How Clean Air Pueblo arose

We believe in the radical notion that Pueblo deserves clean air. Publicly-accessible, real-time, community-owned air quality data is Clean Air Pueblo’s first priority. All Puebloans deserve to know the quality of their air!

The Clean Air Pueblo project began in May 2022 through the dedication of activists concerned about Pueblo lack of air quality data. It was evident the one downtown air quality monitor was incapable of giving Pueblo a full outlook on what our air quality is, where problem areas lie, and if we need differential regulations on pollution. Therefore, we took charge as a community and when denied did not give up, but looked elsewhere and were rewarded for the determination with a $50,000 grant from the Winward Fund.

In The News

Pueblo environmental group seeks better air quality data to inform public

Clearing The Air: Something in the Air (S3 Ep1)


Our first and overall vision is to ensure Pueblo retains the right to clean air. In order to do that we have to have a clearer picture of what the air quality even is. By creating an air quality monitoring network by and for the community, we are taking our first steps in keeping that vision.


We're Working On:


Building a community network of air quality monitoring

​We will begin to reveal Pueblo’s air quality through a network including private residences, local businesses, and community buildings.


Making existing data accessible

Everyone deserves to know the quality of their air. Existing air quality data and our own community network will become accessible to all.


Holding Pueblo’s polluters accountable

Every industrial polluter in Pueblo will be held accountable for poisoning our air. We will rally in the streets and work at the legislative level for stronger air quality standards.


State & local partnerships. Environmental justice focus. Real time data.

Colorado Enviroscreen

Colorado EnviroScreen is an environmental justice mapping tool that uses population and environmental factors to calculate an “EnviroScreen score.” A higher EnviroScreen score means the area is more likely to be affected by environmental health injustice.

The tool includes scores for each county, census tract, and census block group in Colorado. CDPHE will improve and update the tool in response to feedback and as new data becomes available. Please note that areas under Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute tribal jurisdiction are not currently represented on the map.

Although EnviroScreen provides a robust measure of cumulative environmental burden, it is not a perfect tool. The tool uses limited environmental, health, and sociodemographic data to calculate the EnviroScreen score.

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Follow Clean Air Pueblo!

Help us out!

Community is the cornerstone of our project; therefore, we need your input! Below we have multiple forms from a survey to becoming a member to an application to house an air quality monitor.

Take the Clean Air Survey

Share your air quality experience in Pueblo

Become a Monitor Host

Contribute to monitoring the air quality around Pueblo

Report Pollution

Help us report negative air quality in and around Pueblo

Become a Member

Join Mothers Out Front in Colorado to fight for environmental justice!