Low Temps, High Bills – Pass NY HEAT!
Gather with lawmakers and fellow advocates at City Hall Park on Thursday, November 30 at noon to demand Governor Hochul put the NY HEAT Act in next year’s budget!
This transformational climate and social justice legislation is essential for starting the transition off of dirty fracked gas while ensuring affordable utility bills for all New Yorkers.
Utility rate hikes are pummeling New Yorkers across the state, with monthly bills set to rise up to $40 for gas and electricity over the next three years for many families.
The NY HEAT Act, which has 74 sponsors in the NYS Assembly and passed the NYS Senate, will stop expansion of the fracked gas system to protect the climate, and reduce future rate increases, while limiting energy bills to 6% of household income and saving low and middle-income New Yorkers up to $75/month on their utility bills.
NY HEAT also gets rid of the unfair 100-foot rule, which forces New York families to subsidize new gas hookups while accelerating fossil fuel generated climate change, plus the “obligation to serve”, which mandates the use of fracked gas instead of renewable heating. Instead, it allows the state to invest in efficient and clean electric home energy solutions like fossil-free thermal energy networks.
We hope to see you there!