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We Believe That We Will Win: A Rally to Stop the MVP

We Believe That We Will Win: A Rally to Stop the MVP

Date: April 7, 2022
Time: 7- 8pm ET
Location: Zoom, Virginia


Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is a proposed 303-mile-long fracked gas pipeline that is steamrolling its way through Virginia and West Virginia. The pipeline threatens fresh water, land and life in Appalachia. 

In the past few months, the pipeline has suffered some severe blows. In November, Indigenous and Black leaders ensured the MVP Southgate extension’s Lambert Compressor Station was stopped, signaling a huge environmental justice victory. In January, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit stopped MVP from further destroying the Jefferson National Forest. In February, the Court stopped MVP from further jeopardizing endangered species, including the candy darter. The pipeline’s investors are publicly sharing their fears that the project will never be completed.

Hosted by the POWHR Coalition, Thursday, April 7 at 7:00 PM ET, we will gather on Zoom for ‘We Believe We Will Win: A Rally to Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline,’ bringing together community leaders in Virginia and West Virginia to share how they achieved these wins, what it will take to stop this disastrous pipeline, and how you can help.

MVP is not inevitable. In fact, our expansive movement of impacted landowners, Indigenous water protectors, Black leaders, and climate activists are mobilizing to ensure the pipeline is stopped. The company behind MVP consistently claims that this project is “already” or “nearly completed” to create an impression that the pipeline is inevitable, however this is a completely unfounded and false statement. In fact, hundreds of stream crossings and some of the most difficult, steepest work yet are still to come. 

If the pipeline were to be completed and put into service, the greenhouse gas emissions may be equivalent to 19 million passenger vehicles, 23 coal plants, and account for at least 1% of all greenhouse gasses from the US energy sector. The MVP is a climate and ecological nightmare. 

We choose our communities over fracked gas pipelines and alleged profits. We believe we will stop the MVP.

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