Reclaiming Our Power with Community Choice Energy
Moms try to make good decisions for our families and communities. Unfortunately, electricity is one area where we often have no choice. That matters because electricity is often the second largest expense for households, and here in Kansas City power plants account for nearly half of citywide greenhouse gas emissions!
That’s why more and more cities are establishing Community Choice Energy programs – to give families and businesses a new, not-for-profit choice for their electricity supply and bring energy decisions under local control.
Join us December 17th for a community conversation about how CCE could be a catalyst for a greener, more equitable Kansas City.
Joining us will be Nick Chaset, Chief Executive Officer of Alameda (CA) County’s new community choice energy agency, East Bay Community Energy (EBCE). In 2018, the County of Alameda and 11 of its cities formed EBCE to create a not-for-profit public power agency to provide greener energy, low rates, and local community benefits.
To date, EBCE has saved customers over $10 million on their bills while providing an energy mix with half the GHG rate of PG&E.
Register today to secure your spot! We hope to see you December 17th, 6-7pm Central!!