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Green Recovery- Massachusetts Bills

The last week of July began with a big push for a carbon pricing amendment attached to H.4879, a green recovery, housing, and it turns out, sports betting bill! Again thank you for our fast moving members who called and emailed about Amendment #163. We got 59 cosponsors in 48 hours and would have gotten more, but the sponsor, Rep Driscoll, was compelled to withdraw the amendment. This is what happens to many amendments that are not supported by the House leadership. To avoid being rejected in a floor vote, the sponsor is asked to withdraw.

We also supported several other climate-related amendments which did pass:

  • Amendment #71, Healthy Soils. Sponsor: Paul A. Schmid
  • Amendment #305, Clean Heating and Cooling. Sponsor: Tommy Vitolo
  • Amendment #355, Rooftop Solar Ordinances & Bylaws. Sponsors: Jack Lewis, Mike Connolly, Tami Gouveia, Maria Duaime Robinson, Lindsay Sabadosa