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August Climate Action

Tell the Governor -- It's an emergency. Act with urgency!

Write to Governor Baker


Pick one or more of the following to include in your letter. Check out the sample letters [below] for inspiration.

  • Treat climate change like an emergency. Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying. The Governor must take deliberate and decisive action to address it.
  • Act swiftly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Governor and his administration must ensure rapid and effective implementation of the 2021 Climate Law.
  • We need a strong net-zero stretch energy code. We want a stretch code that will drive a rapid and just transition to clean, safe, efficient, renewable heat.
  • Communicate regularly about climate action. We want regular press briefings about the climate emergency and how efforts to address it are going!
  • Personal stories make the biggest impact!
  • How has climate change or environmental injustice has affected your life?
  • Who motivates you to advocate for climate solutions?
  • Address your envelope
  • Include your return address
  • Don’t forget a stamp!

4) SNAP A PICTURE & SHARE (optional)
  • Your letter will have more impact if you post about it on social media.
  • Take a picture of your letter, your addressed envelope, or an action shot!
  • Share on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • Use hashtag #MAClimateLawNow.
  • Include the Governor’s handle – @MassGovernor


Sample Letters

Use the following sample letters for inspiration!

Sample Letter #1 - Our Four Asks

August 12, 2021

Dear Governor Baker,

I am writing to you because I am urgently concerned about climate change, and I want to see you and your administration take swift, deliberate, and decisive action to reduce emissions. I am thrilled that our state passed a comprehensive climate roadmap bill earlier this year. As Governor, it is now your responsibility to ensure the rapid and effective implementation of the 2021 Climate Law.

I ask you to:

  1. Treat climate change like an emergency
  2. Act swiftly to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  3. Ensure the creation of a strong net zero stretch code
  4. Communicate regularly about climate action

The most recent IPCC report is unequivocal in its findings – climate change is widespread, rapid, intensifying, and driven by fossil fuel consumption. We have a frighteningly short window to preserve a livable climate for our children and our grandchildren.

[Insert a Personal Paragraph]


Sample Letter #2 - A STRONG Net Zero Stretch Code

August 12, 2021

Dear Governor Baker,

As a member of Mothers Out Front, I look to our leaders to preserve a livable climate future for future generations. I write you today, because it is your responsibility as Governor to make sure that the details in our new Climate Law are implemented swiftly. It is clear that our climate is in an Emergency — you must act with Urgency!

If we hope to cut emissions 50% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050, we must take focused, decisive, and immediate action!

I urge you to develop and adopt a STRONG Net-Zero Stretch Code that will drive a rapid and just transition to clean, safe, efficient, and renewable heat as quickly as possible. A new Net-Zero Stretch Code will promote the construction of energy efficient buildings with all-electric systems, reducing our climate emissions while also improving housing, jobs, health and equity.

[Insert a Personal Paragraph]


Sample Letter #3 - Focus on Communication

August 12, 2021

Dear Governor Baker,

I am writing to you today to ask you and your administration to rapidly and effectively implement the Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy. The hard work of reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions must begin immediately. We cannot afford to waste any time.

[Insert a Personal Paragraph]

Ensuring a livable climate will require community awareness and collective action. I ask that you use your position as Governor to highlight the threat posed by this climate emergency and the work needed to address it. I urge you to communicate regularly and publicly about your progress towards our climate goals. Show us how you and your administration are working to address it. Ensure every Massachusetts resident understands it. Develop a communications strategy for informing, educating, and inspiring all Massachusetts residents, so we can work together to stabilize the climate.


Next Steps

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