Our Lincoln, Massachusetts team is an ambitious group of mothers, grandmothers, and caregivers ready to take on the many important environmental challenges we face, both locally and globally. We are excited to be joining a powerful grassroots movement to ensure a swift, complete, and just transition away from fossil fuels. Lincoln Mothers Out Front hopes to inspire our town to move toward clean and renewable energy that will support a livable climate today and for future generations.
Some of the main areas of focus our group are the following:
- Gas Leaks – We are raising awareness of natural gas leaks and their impacts on health, safety and climate, and are taking action to encourage the gas companies to fix these leaks in our community. Lincoln has over 65 known natural gas leaks that are leaking potent greenhouse gas (methane) into our soil and air. Natural gas leaks kill trees, are linked to multiple health issues, and we, the consumers, are paying for this leaked gas!
- Make the Switch – Did you know that your household has the option to purchase all electricity from renewable, clean sources? Click here to make the switch. It is a very simple and affordable way to source clean energy. We are teaming up with Lincoln’s Green Energy Committee to encourage all Lincoln residents to purchase their electricity from renewable sources.
- Plastic Bag and Single-Use Water Bottle Ban – Lincoln Mothers Out Front supports the town warrants presented by the students of the LS High School Environment Club. We are very concerned about the ‘throw-away’ culture in our town and hope to persuade local businesses, sports teams, and schools to choose environmentally sound choices for food and drink.
- Compost – The town of Lincoln has coordinated with Black Earth Compost to bring a town-wide initiative for composting! Lincoln residents have a choice:
- You can separate your food scraps into a compostable bag and deliver them to the Lincoln Transfer Station as you do your trash and recyclables. The DPW has compost bins for sale. You can buy 3-gallon compostable bags at most grocery stores including Donelan’s.
- You can sign up for curbside (residential) pickup with Black Earth Compost at a reduced rate. Please let us know if you’re interested!
Stay informed about Lincoln Mothers Out Front by joining our mailing list. Email info.ma.lincoln@mothersoutfront.org or sign up below to be added to our list.
We’d love to have both your support and participation! We look forward to seeing you soon!
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