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Dutchess County

We are Dutchess mothers and others organizing to preserve a livable climate for all children and work toward a just transition for Dutchess County.

About us

Dutchess County, located in New York’s Hudson River Valley, is known for its natural beauty, outdoor recreation, and historic landmarks. Our team works to prevent environmental contamination of our precious air and water and to educate our community about the environmental problems we face and how to mitigate them. Note that our team includes men who share our values as we work to preserve Dutchess’s biodiversity, and move Dutchess toward a more regenerative and sustainable energy system that will advance all of our communities by reducing pollution and creating thousands of life-long jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy infrastructure. 

Our Values:

  • Just Transition 
  • Sociocratic, member-led decision-making
  • Educating our community about environmental problems and how to find solutions for them

Current priorities:

  • Implement county-wide waste disposal systems without burning trash
  • Close the Dutchess County Incinerator
  • Support statewide climate smart legislation

Regular meeting time:

  • Usually the Third Thursday of the month at 7 PM EST

Take Action

A Future Without Trash Incineration: Clean Air for Dutchess County

We citizens of Dutchess County are requesting that the County Legislature:

  • Recognize that no amount of pollution from the County Incinerator is safe.
  • Plan now and act with urgency to transition away from waste incineration.
  • Budget for a certified Zero Waste Management Consultant to guide Dutchess County to a future without incineration.
  • Design and implement zero waste strategies.

Contact us!

Caroline Fenner: