Phone Bank for Siting Reform
Join the statewide phone bank to reach more Mothers Out Front supporters about our fight for all children’s right to clean air and a livable future. This event is part of our multi-week Clean Air Initiative.
Calling our members and activating our supporters is the most effective way to amplify our message to legislators about the Siting Reform bill and our other priority bills in the Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy Committee.
We make it easy to do these calls, which are as much about getting to know other Mothers Out Front supporters as about encouraging them to take action. Together we can multiply our collective power!
You can make calls on your own time or join the statewide phone bank. You can call people in your own or other districts and encourage them to contact their legislators to support our bills. We’ll be asking them to use the same easy online format as in the Climate Action Call on 1/20.
If you can make calls on your own time, email and also RSVP here.
If you can join the phone bank on 1/27 anytime between 7:00pm and 8:30pm, just RSVP here.