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Mothers Out Front 4 Climate, Jobs & Justice For A Sustainable New York

As Mothers, caregivers, and allies, we are deeply concerned about the future we are leaving for future generations. We have made progress in the climate movement in NYS, but there is still so much more to be done. That is why Mothers Out Front is reaching out to you today, asking for your support in fighting for the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package (or CJJP). The CJJP is not just a policy proposal; it is a roadmap towards a sustainable and equitable future for New York State. It lays out a plan to rapidly decarbonize our stateimprove the health of our communities, ensure a fair transition for workers, and create a green economy that benefits everyone.

This package is built on three fundamental demands that align with the goals of New York’s Climate Act:

  1. First and foremost, we need full funding and implementation of the Climate Act
  2. Secondly, we must build renewable energy infrastructure for all and create good, green union jobs. 
  3. Finally, we must hold polluters and the ultra-rich accountable for their actions. 

By signing this petition, you will demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of our communities, the protection of our environment, and the creation of a just and prosperous New York for all. Together, let us be the driving force for change. Let us show our leaders that we demand a sustainable future and that we will settle for nothing less. Sign this petition today and join us in our pursuit of climate justice!

Will you join us in this fight for climate justice? Together, we can create a sustainable and equitable New York for our children and future generations. Please sign our petition and stand with us in demanding the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package be fully realized.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Mothers Out Front New York


Petition: Support Mothers Out Front and the Climate, Jobs, And Justice Package for A Sustainable New York

Dear Governor Hochul, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins, & Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie,

We, the undersigned, as members and supporters of Mothers Out Front, stand united in our commitment to protecting our children and securing a sustainable future for our beloved state of New York. We believe that there is no more powerful force for change than humans mobilizing to address climate, racial, and social justice issues. It is with this conviction that we urge you to support the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package (CJJP), a transformative roadmap that will accelerate the decarbonization of New York, improve public health, foster equity, ensure a fair transition for workers, and establish an accessible green economy that benefits all residents.

The CJJP, crafted by NY Renews in coalition with membership organizations such as ours, is built upon three fundamental demands that align with the goals of New York’s Climate Act. It is imperative that we come together and rally behind these crucial initiatives in order to create a livable climate for future generations:

  1. Fully Fund and Implement New York’s Climate Act:
    • Despite the landmark passage of New York’s Climate Act three years ago, we find ourselves still struggling with inadequate funding. We call upon our leaders to fully fund and implement the Climate Act, providing it with the necessary resources to fulfill its potential and safeguard our environment for future generations.
  2. Build Renewable Energy for All and Create Good, Green Union Jobs:
    • We advocate for the enactment of the Build Public Renewables Act, which empowers the New York Power Authority to expedite the construction of large-scale renewable projects in a more efficient, effective, and democratic manner than private developers. We also support the Climate Accountability Act, ensuring that state agencies have the power and guidance required to implement the Climate Act transparently. Additionally, we demand the passage of the Gas Transition and Affordable Energy Act, which grants the Public Service Commission the authority and direction to align gas utilities with the emission reduction and climate justice mandates of the Climate Act. Lastly, we urge the approval of the Blueprint Bill, offering a comprehensive plan to guide the replacement and redevelopment of fossil fuel facilities and sites by 2030.
  3. Make Polluters and the Ultra-Rich Pay What They Owe:
    • It is time to hold major oil companies accountable for the harm they have caused. We support the Climate Change Superfund Act, which mandates that the state’s worst polluters, these major oil companies, bear the financial responsibility for the damage they have inflicted upon our environment. Furthermore, we demand the swift passage of the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Elimination Act, which will end the egregious state subsidies totaling $330 million provided to the fossil fuel industry, one of the major contributors to the climate crisis. Lastly, we endorse the Invest in Our New York’s Plan to Fund Our Future, a revenue and spending package that ensures the elimination of wasteful handouts to businesses and requires the wealthiest New Yorkers to pay their fair share in funding our climate law.

We implore you to listen to the collective voice of mothers, caregivers, and allies across the state who are deeply concerned about the future of our children and our planet. By supporting the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package and enacting these vital legislations, you will be taking decisive action to create a sustainable, equitable, and just New York for generations to come. 

We urge you to pass this urgent and critical fight for a sustainable future. Together, we can make a difference!