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Who We Are

We are mothers, grandmothers, non-binary parents, non-parents, and allies in Brookline. We are building a powerful grassroots movement to ensure a swift, complete, and just transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean and renewable energy. Together, we can create a healthy climate and a livable future for all children.


Upcoming Events

Mothers Out Front welcomes everyone to join us in our fight for a livable climate. Every month we have opportunities to learn, engage, and take action on the issues that you’re most passionate about. Get to know us at one of our informal monthly Zoom brunches on Sunday mornings or our monthly in-person climate coffees, or gear up for action on a specific topic at one of our weekly 30-minute Zoom “action-ars.” We can’t wait to meet you!

Brookline Climate Action Calls

  • DATE: The first Thursday of each month
  • TIME: 10:00am – 10:30am
  • LOCATION: Zoom

Join the Brookline chapter the first Thursday of each month for a quick climate action. At these drop-in Zoom events, you will learn about a climate-related topic and take action in just 30 minutes. No experience is required or necessary to participate!

Register here for Brookline Mothers Out Front’s monthly Climate Action Call taking place on Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 10 to 10:30 AM on Zoom. After RSVPing, you will receive the Zoom link via email.

For this month’s Climate Action Call, we will welcome leaders of our Zero Waste Team and Kirstie Pecci, Executive Director of Just Zero, to discuss the importance of a modernized Bottle Bill.

Monthly Sunday Brunch

  • DATE: First or second Sunday of each month (see RSVP link for details)
  • TIME: 9:30am – 11:00am
  • LOCATION: Varies (see RSVP link for details)

Join us for our monthly brunch meetings, Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00! New members are welcome, and no previous experience or knowledge is required. Get cozy with a cup of coffee, meet our dynamic and dedicated members, and learn about our active campaigns. We welcome your participation!


Community Climate Coffees

  • LOCATION: Various Brookline coffee shops

Do you worry about climate change? Find hope through action with us at a drop-in community coffee. Mothers Out Front welcomes everyone – mothers, fathers, grandmothers, non-binary parents, non-parents, and allies in Brookline. Note: Community Climate Coffees are currently on hold for the summer, stay tuned for more information in the Fall.


Our Chapter's Working Groups

In addition to advocating for strong climate legislation at the state and local levels, our chapter of Brookline Mothers Out Front is organized around these local working groups: 

Community Bridges

Brookline Mothers Out Front recognizes that climate change and environmental degradation disproportionately impact those in marginalized communities, including low income residents, people of color, and seniors. Through our Community Bridges Team, we build relationships with allied groups led by people of color, Indigenous people, and poor and working class people to build a shared vision of environmental justice and to support their efforts and leadership.

Fossil Fuel Free

A livable future for our planet is possible—and practical. We can replace fossil fuels in our buildings and vehicles with less polluting, cost-effective all-electric technology. Brookline Mothers Out Front championed local initiatives for fossil fuel-free buildings, which eventually led to statewide legislation that codified a pilot program for fossil fuel-free construction in Massachusetts. Now we are reaching out to Brookline residents—renters, landlords, condo-owners and homeowners—with a campaign called “Electrify Brookline” to rapidly shift away from fossil fuels. The campaign has launched a series of How-To guides packed with practical tips, technical information and available resources including a chart of financial incentives.  The How-To guides can educate our community about weatherization, induction cooking, all electric heating and cooling, and spreading the word about how easy and affordable it is to sign up for 100% renewable electricity.  We also remain committed to finding and stopping leaks in existing gas lines.

The Power of Trees

Trees reduce carbon dioxide in our atmosphere naturally while also cleaning the air, absorbing stormwater, sequestering carbon, reducing heat islands, and boosting energy conservation. But Brookline’s tree canopy is declining. We can reverse that trend, support climate resilience, and boost our urban forest by working toward Brookline’s goal of planting 400 trees a year for the next 10 years. We are partnering with the Town to expand the tree canopy by helping the Town plant Mini-Forests in public open spaces and encouraging residents to apply for a free “Front Yard” tree. Learn more. 

Zero Waste and Compost

We are working toward universal composting and the elimination of single-use plastics. By reducing throwaway materials and making sure that organics are turned into compost, not trash, we are moving toward a zero waste future in Brookline and beyond. Through collaboration with the Brookline Department of Public Works and other partners, we are advocating for policies and practices that reduce the amount of waste Brookline incinerates, move us beyond plastics and make composting easy and accessible for everyone in Brookline. Learn more.

Get Involved

If you stop worrying about climate change and start taking action—you can make a difference! 

There are so many varied ways you can apply your time and skills, from attending or organizing events, to researching topics related to our work, to showing up at local or state government hearings, to helping with publicity, and everything in between. Don’t worry about having too little time to offer. We can find a task that fits the amount of time you have available while still making a meaningful impact.





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